Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Are You in Love?

Love is different than any other relationship and has its own measures. It goes beyond friendship and one has to ask questions to find out if it is love and nothing else. Coming back to our inquiry, what if your beloved gets you some clothes? Will you be delighted and wear immediately, or will you try to look at it critically to find out how you will look in that particular piece of clothing?

Do you smile at the thought of your beloved? Get dreamy? Want to share everything good? Say, you see something good, or complete a some work very satisfactorily, will you immediately tell your beloved about that? Will you be impatiently waiting to share that? Do you ever compare him/her with others? Give a second look to someone of opposite sex? No? What if the person is stunning in looks? Would you still rather never think of giving a second look and continue with the thoughts of your beloved? What if you go to a movie together? Will you try to look at each other in the darkness or rather watch the movie? Do you watch the movie at all while you are together?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Keep Your Love and Relationship Alive

Keeping love alive requires moment in time, attention and the willingness to keep things impressive and constantly attach.You can express the love an extreme feeling of affection and an emotion or an emotional state. In common use, it generally refers to interpersonal love, an experience usually felt by a person for another person. Love is usually measured impossible to define.
However, always the concept of love is matter to debate. A few people disagree with the existence of love, calling it an only just imaginary abstraction. And some continue that love exists but is inexpressible; being a capacity which is spiritual, metaphysical, or idealistic in nature.

Emotional Attraction - It develops next if the circumstances are right. An emotional attraction can also happen even when a physical attraction does not. As well as in this case, the bond may even be stronger between the two who connect, since no preconceived notions based on physical appearance has occurred.

Physical Attraction - It happens when your body responds to another person. Over and above your heart rate increases; temperature rises, palms get sweaty; throat tightens; and so on. This is the most apparent of "loves" on one stage, but one of the most powerful on another. It characterizes the first contact.

Romance -- Romantic love is when the chemicals in your mind jerk in and you feel an emotional far above the ground, excitement, passion, and delight when you and your lover are together. The subject attracts through its ability and stimulates the person to get involved heartily, mentally or physically. Romance is deep involvement to the invitation, through attraction of the subject, which enchants and satisfies our individuality.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Celebrate Our Love

Wedding anniversary invitations are appropriate items to send out, whether it's your first or your 101st anniversary. Of course, in this day and age, it's hard to find hopping and bumping centenarians! A wedding anniversary is a time to commemorate, reflect upon, celebrate, and give thanks for your commitment, love, and adoration for your spouse or significant other. A wedding anniversary is the anniversary of the date on which the wedding transpired. Married persons have traditionally been the recipients of gifts on their wedding anniversaries, especially in certain years, and this practice is common especially in Western countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and Canada. Each country, moreover, gives gifts and follows procedures appropriate to certain anniversary years. Each is a slight permutation on the same theme. Couples needn't be married to mail out invitations to friends and relatives. Many couples who have been living together for a certain number of years are recognized as being legally married by the state. This is called common law marriage. Sometimes, the bonds couples share aren't officially recognized by the state with a marriage certificate, but the anniversary can still be celebrated just as well, and the invitations are still appropriate. However, they might need to be homemade because there aren't very many simple anniversary-only invitations. Most invitations are prefaced with the word wedding.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Marriage Care

When you get married to someone, you hope for a life full of bliss and good things. All couples hope for this and there is nothing wrong with it. However, hoping for good things in your marital union is not enough, you have to work hard and ensure that you give your union marriage care that is going to lead you in the right direction. Marriage care is as simple as it sounds. It is taking care of marriage. Just like your nurture a new baby, marriage will need lots of care for it to grow until you can take baby steps. For people entering into marriage, nobody really knows what lies ahead or what to expect but, they know that the union can fail. It can fail if the love they feel for each other fades away. Today, almost half of all marriages are ending in divorce. This only shows that love is fading away more quickly that it used to. However, it is vital to analyze some of the problems that affect a marriage and know how to structure marriage care. First, a marital union must start on a solid ground.

This means that you need to love each other enough to be willing to spend the rest of your life together. The major problem today is that there is just no deep commitment when it comes to the affairs of the heart. Love is not just singing the chorus everyday but, it is showing the other person that you care even in difficulty. Therefore, for marriage care to be effective, you need to have a partner who you love and love you. Then you can think of progress. Forgiveness and humility are the two commandments of marriage. Many realize this practically when they get into it. There are so many things that your partner is going to do to offend you but, you need to be humble enough to keep forging them. You will in many occasions need forgiving. Therefore, this will apply to both of you. The other thing you can do to care for your marriage is to keep a positive attitude. Negativity is contagious and so is positivity. Whatever you give in marriage, you shall receive it back. Therefore play your part in being the best you can be and, you do not have to worry about your partner. Another thing that is helpful is patience.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Commitment

Women don't like to be strung along. We really don't. Many of us are planning intricate details of our weddings while we play dress up at age six. We know the colors we want and the type of guy we want. We even have an idea about how long we would like to date a guy before he pops the question. After all, we don't want to wait too long as we are the ones who has time against us as our biological clocks are ticking.

Men tend to drag their feet in a lot of things they do. While in some cases this may be a good thing guys, one reason as to why women break up with men is because men wait too long. Some of you men might be reading this right now and have yet to tell a girl you love her because you want to mean it when you say these three words. Very respectable, but don't expect her to wait forever. We have heard all the lines men use because what it really boils down to is fear of commitment. Pretty much all men experience this at some point or another.

Healing a Broken Heart From Love

Somebody has broken your heart and now you don't know what to do. Are you just going to mope around like the whole world has collapsed on you? Or are you going to stand on your two feet and move on with your life? I know that this is easier said than done and that healing a broken heart from love is a process. But you have to start somewhere. And realizing and accepting that life goes on no matter what happens is probably the best way to start. Remember, it is all up to you.
There are simple things that you can do to make it easier for you to move on. One of these is by constantly talking to your friends or close relatives. Through talking to someone who cares for you, you can unburden yourself from unexpressed feelings which, in turn, can help you heal faster. Of course you should also listen to the things that your loved ones will tell you. Often, the solution to a problem can be found in the kind words of a friend.

Turn Your Boyfriend Into Your Husband

So if you're dating, you're probably wondering when your relationship will go from dating to marriage. But can I ask you a question? Do you want marriage or do you want marriage with your soul mate?
Well if you've been together for a decent amount of time, your best bet in knowing if this man is marriage material is to think about whether you are in this man's soul. Are you in his heart, does he burn for you? Has he continued to chase after you and make you feel like the most special woman in the world?

Do You Want Your Boyfriend to Marry You?

You've been dating your man and you're thinking that he may be your dream man. After kissing many frogs, you're ready to take your relationship to the next level but you're unsure how to go about doing that.

Your boyfriend is prewired and have been "trained" to have certain expectations. There are basic things he's looking for when it comes to thinking about long-term. Men generally take their time to jump into marriage for fear that their girlfriends will change or that they may be way in over their heads.

Men want to be sure. They love certainty and it is no secret that they also LOVE to win.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Related to Your Relationship

Do you think it's time to fall in love? Make sure you do it right. Maybe the next tips are known by everybody but sometimes there is a need to meditate at them again. What follows is for both men and women.
If your relationship started as a love-affair involving cheating, you need to answer this question: ''What if my partner does the same? '' You shouldn't expect a serious relationship with somebody who is not committed from the very beginning. Of course there are exceptions but if he/she likes love-affairs, do not expect changes.

You Want To Fall In Love

Of course the answer is an emphatic yes! But do you ever wonder what exactly you are asking for, besides all the popular notions of being starry-eyed and in a state of emotional euphoria? Once you are seduced by the magic or romance, there will undoubtedly come a time when you are asked to give a little bit more. Give what exactly?

The progression of rationale takes over and we explain away why we are with someone or not, and our looming desire to be vulnerable is successfully averted. We are protected again because we avoided exposing what we perceive to be our weaknesses or deep, dark secrets. We relinquish this challenge to be "real" and fall back into our comfort zone of fears, fantasies, and needs to justify why our relationships are inadequate. We lapse into quasi-love connections or claim to be immune from the drawbacks of falling in love because the right person just hasn't come along. WOW! All this after we swore we would honor and cherish falling in love if only the gods above would be kind enough to bestow on us this extraordinary experience.

It helps to know that falling in love is not just about chemistry, common ground, and the willingness to care for someone, although these things build a solid foundation. We can also look to history as a means of understanding the evolution of falling in love. This perspective can highlight the downside of considering only the finely packaged examples set up by those who influence us most: family, friends, and role models, by allowing us to recognize that we have evolved from love connections based on survival, loneliness, and procreating, to include more profound connections that consider the divine elements of the heart and soul.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Blissful Relationship With Your Partner

Before you jump to any conclusions or say mean stuff in a fight. Take a stroll outside or have a glass of water. Do not just say things that you will regret later on. Make sure you sit down and analyze why you are stressed and what the major causes are. I am most certain you will be able to discover what is bothering you, rather than you picking a fight with your partner.

In a fight or in a post fight, the bitterness remains, it is hard to get back to the normal situation. Make sure you talk your self to remain calm, and not lose your cool.

Make Someone Love You

Make that person your friend, you have to be friends first before they can love you. Meet up with them anywhere, make sure you know places they frequent and what time they will pass a specific spot. Say halloo with a smile. Do this for a couple of days. Much later, meet up with them and introduce yourself, you can be very sure they will introduce themselves back. You do not have to strike a conversation with them immediately after this. You can ask them for a date and meet them later. No matter how many times they say no to your invitation, do not be discouraged. Ask them again and again. If you persist they might just give you a date for the heck of it. Don't care much about them giving you a date just to make you stop nagging them.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Strong And Healthy Relationship

Communication and Sharing. The most important part of any healthy relationship between two people is being able to talk and listen to each other. You and the other person can find out what your common interests are. You can share your feelings with the other person and trust that he or she will be there to listen to you and support you. In healthy relationships, people don't lie. Communication is based on honesty and trust. By listening carefully and sharing your thoughts and feelings with other people, you show them that they play an important part in your life.
Respect and Trust: In healthy relationships, you learn to respect and trust important people in your lief. Disagreements may still happen, but you learn to stay calm and talk about how you feel. Talking calmly helps you to understand the real reason for not getting along. It makes it much easier to figure out how to fix it. In healthy relationships, working through disagreements often makes the relationships stronger. In healthy relationships , people respect each other for who they are. This includes so you can set boundaries and feel comfortable. You will find that you learn to understand experiences and feelings of others as well as having them understand your experiences and feelings.