Friday, November 14, 2008

Marriage Care

When you get married to someone, you hope for a life full of bliss and good things. All couples hope for this and there is nothing wrong with it. However, hoping for good things in your marital union is not enough, you have to work hard and ensure that you give your union marriage care that is going to lead you in the right direction. Marriage care is as simple as it sounds. It is taking care of marriage. Just like your nurture a new baby, marriage will need lots of care for it to grow until you can take baby steps. For people entering into marriage, nobody really knows what lies ahead or what to expect but, they know that the union can fail. It can fail if the love they feel for each other fades away. Today, almost half of all marriages are ending in divorce. This only shows that love is fading away more quickly that it used to. However, it is vital to analyze some of the problems that affect a marriage and know how to structure marriage care. First, a marital union must start on a solid ground.

This means that you need to love each other enough to be willing to spend the rest of your life together. The major problem today is that there is just no deep commitment when it comes to the affairs of the heart. Love is not just singing the chorus everyday but, it is showing the other person that you care even in difficulty. Therefore, for marriage care to be effective, you need to have a partner who you love and love you. Then you can think of progress. Forgiveness and humility are the two commandments of marriage. Many realize this practically when they get into it. There are so many things that your partner is going to do to offend you but, you need to be humble enough to keep forging them. You will in many occasions need forgiving. Therefore, this will apply to both of you. The other thing you can do to care for your marriage is to keep a positive attitude. Negativity is contagious and so is positivity. Whatever you give in marriage, you shall receive it back. Therefore play your part in being the best you can be and, you do not have to worry about your partner. Another thing that is helpful is patience.

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